Frequently Asked Questions

How can we help?

From ‘What does my service charge pay for?’ to
‘Can I sub-let my apartment?’ you’ll find the answers here!

Switch to us

How you replace your current management agent through ‘Right to Manage’

FAQ Sub-letting - Red


We offer different ways for you to make payments for your service charge or ground rent -however best suits you

FAQ Payments - Red

Service charges

Find out how your service charge is calculated, what costs it covers and how often it’s paid

FAQ Service Charges - Red

Property management

Discover what alterations you can make to your property and how you apply for permission

FAQ Property Management - Red

Buying, selling & subletting

The easiest way to buy and sell a property managed my Churchill Estates Management

FAQ Buyin & Selling - Red

Maintenance & Repairs

Confirm which maintenance works you are responsible for and what is covered within your service charge

FAQ Feedback - Red

Didn't find what you were looking for?

If you were unable to find the answers to your questions please get in touch with our team today.

Call us 01425 888910


Please fill out this form to seek Permission for alterations to your property. Once submitted, the form will be reviewed by the Property Services team and you will be contacted with the outcome.

Note that a Permissions fee will be payable prior to CEM giving approval to your Permissions request. You will receive an invoice with the relevant fee as part of this process, to the email address you include on the form.

Any alterations carried out without CEM’s Permission may be in breach of your lease agreement, and may incur an additional fee and/or prompt CEM to request that the work is reinstated to its original condition.