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Yes, you may, however you will need permission from the landlord first. In most cases Churchill Estates are authorised to grant permissions on behalf of the landlord but we will inform you otherwise if necessary.
You can apply through our online form, we would recommend that you first ensure that the Lease allows you to carry out alterations to the property. If so, in the first instance you are required to
provide the following information:
- A written notice to Churchill Estates Management detailing the works to be carried out
- How long you anticipate the works will take
- Proposed date when you would like works to commence
The terms of the lease prohibits alterations being carried out by Owners to any of the exterior or communal areas of the building.
Yes. Pets are usually allowed, if not restricted by any terms of the lease. Churchill Estates are responsible for issuing ‘Pet Agreements’ on behalf of the landlord.
Please speak to your On-site Manager who will be able to advise you on the process.

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